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Auto Expo 2022

Date : 04-08-2022

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Event : Conclave

SAEINDIA Collegiate Club was inaugurated today at Sagar Group of Institutions - SISTec Ratibad, with the debut event - AUTO EXPO 2022!! Hosted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the expo witnessed reputed brands such as Toyota Motors (Rajpal Toyota), Tata Motors (Varenyam Motors), Mahindra Auto (CI Automotors), and Force Motors (Surana Motors).

The CEO of Rajpal Toyota, Mr. Rohit Pilani inaugurated the expo by cutting the red ribbon. All student and staff members spotted many popular models of 4-wheeler automobiles at the expo. The representatives from the various brands explained various technical aspects to the audience. Besides students and faculty members, college Principal Dr. Manish Billore was explained the technicalities by the exhibitors, also offering a test ride of the latest Toyota Camry.

The expo continued with an Expert Session by Mr. Pilani on "Toyota Self Charging Hybrid Electric Vehicle: Concept Clarification and Myth Bursting". During his presentation, he explained the why and what of Hybrid Technology, Toyota Shev Technology, and its benefits to the user. This was followed by a quiz for students and felicitation of top-10 scorers with gift vouchers.

All in all a wonderful experience for the students as they practically got to learn various aspects of vehicle manufacturing, their market share, future job opportunities, and inter-departmental applications. SAEINDIA SISTec-R Collegiate Club plans to organize many such events for the students.
